Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Web 3.0

In prepartion for the Knowledge Management forecasting paper coming up, I have decided to start looking into what is out there. I came across this article on a NY Times Blog and found it very interesting. The blog post speaks about how Silicon Valley is moving beyond Web 2.0 tools and moving to what they call the Semantic Web and Web 3.0 tools. The post also mentions that previously the Web 2.0 tools are only available to large corporations and sharing/creating knowledge within them. This Web 3.0 that is coming about is an attempt to bring Web 2.0 to the average user. I am fully aware that I am not an expert in this, but from what I have seen besides the few extremely large corporations Web 2.0 is not being fully utilized. How can companies think that coming up with new tools is going to help if they aren't even using current tools available? Also is this shift to Web 3.0 really a semantic web? Or is it just opening integrated Web 2.0 tools to the general public? I am excited to see what Silicon Valley has come up with, but I am concerned about its implementation. If smaller companies can't even implement Web 2.0 how are they going to be able to move to Web 3.0?

Semantic Web Blog Post YouTube Video on Web 3.0


Anonymous said...

That's certainly a valid point! It's true that companies will have difficulty getting people to use Web 3.0 tools. On the other hand, technological tools are not what is preventing users from engaging in KM practices, but rather the lack of a proper organizational culture change. Companies that get their employees to leverage Web 2.0, they will have a seamless transition deploying the next generation.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it will be a matter of implementing these web 2.o or web 3.o tools but rather an integration of them.

If there's a need there's a will and if they industry requires that they integrate them to become competitevely advantageous then they will.